I gave up red meat in 1986. I had this idea that becoming a vegan would be great. By 1989, I was a full-blown vegan. It was the best move I’ve ever made with my life. By 2008, there was a financial meltdown and I was right in the thick of it. I lost my job and everything else I valued. I rebounded and became a personal trainer in 2010, which was the second-best decision I made with my life.
After 31 years of veganism/plant-based eating and more than 10,000 personal training and coaching sessions, I’ve learned quite a few things. Most of what I know is through the experience of my clients and self-experimentation. I’m not a nutritionist or food scientist who will blow your mind with information from a peer-reviewed study.
With all the food science we all have right at our fingertips, that approach doesn’t seem to motivate people to take action. Hence, the rise of metabolic diseases continues to accelerate. Instead, I prefer to give you anecdotes and tidbits of information—infused with my own “personal trainer research”—that are easy to assimilate and that also produce the best results.
I now take a “Resultatarian” approach to health and life.
I will be presenting you with 31 Golden Nuggets of Information About Plant-Based Eating. It’s all based on eating plants and exercising, the fundamentals of superior living. This list will keep your spirits high, provoke lively discussion and entertain you. Most importantly it will spur you into results-oriented action. Eat well and live well.
Originally posted 2020-04-20 11:12:00.