A New Jersey referee who forced a high-school wrestler to cut his locks before a match has been barred from further officiating pending an investigation into the incident, school district officials said Friday.
Andrew Johnson was forced to receive an impromptu haircut moments before he took to the mat for Buena High School in New Jersey. The referee, whose been identified as Alan Maloney by New Jersey Advance Media writers, allegedly told the teenager he would forfeit his match against Oakcrest High School if he did not comply. Johnson went on to win the match after school official chopped some of his locks with scissors.
The video was first shared by Mike Frankel of South New Jersey News Today.
Epitome of a team player ⬇️
A referee wouldn’t allow Andrew Johnson of Buena @brhschiefs to wrestle with a cover over his dreadlocks. It was either an impromptu haircut, or a forfeit. Johnson chose the haircut, then won by sudden victory in OT to help spark Buena to a win. pic.twitter.com/f6JidKNKoI
— Mike Frankel (@MikeFrankelSNJ) December 20, 2018
Maloney has a been linked to racist behavior in the past. According to the Courier Post, Maloney, who is white, used the N-word during at a social gathering following a youth tournament two years ago. He was allegedly slammed to the ground by black official Preston Hamilton for making the remark. Maloney did not dispute the account of the incident and said he apologized.
Social media users are called for swift punishment after Maloney’s latest incident.
Disgusting and heartbreaking. A referee known for his racism, Alan Maloney (google him), made high school wrestler Andrew Johnson cut off his dreads or lose the match. They were covered and gave him no advantage. So he cut them off. He won the match. Never should’ve been allowed. pic.twitter.com/ChMXPBzHPk
— Shaun King (@shaunking) December 21, 2018
Check the comments. The ref, Alan Maloney, who wouldn’t let him wrestle with his locs,has been called out for using racial slurs in the past. Why is this ref not banned? Also, this isn’t an example of being a “team player.” It’s blatant racism and cowardice from every adult there https://t.co/esUrHbUgl4
— X (@XLNB) December 21, 2018
Bigot Alan Maloney, who once called a fellow wrestling ref a n*gger, made HS wrestler Andrew Johnson cut off his dreads or lose the match.
He cut them off & won.
Call NJ Wrestling Officials Assoc & demand they fire this racist.
Mark Sherman (973 214 9… https://t.co/I8pYCyF8P4
— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) December 21, 2018
um this seems less like an inspirational story and more abt referee bias https://t.co/Jm5T1NDtYm
— Steadman (@AsteadWesley) December 21, 2018
This is NOT just about the racist referee.
It’s also about the culture that encourages overt racism & breeds polite racism. Plenty of “good/liberal white folks” didn’t see the problem.
You may not have been the ref.
But would you have been the silent bystander?
— Brittany Packnett (@MsPackyetti) December 21, 2018
In a statement released yesterday, The New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association reiterated its hair policy and announced the suspension of Maloney until an investigation is completed.
“Regulations regarding hair length and legal hair covers for wrestlers are provided by the National Federation of State High School Associations,” the statement read. “At this point, the NJSIAA is working to determine the exact nature of the incident and whether an infraction occurred.”
Originally posted 2018-12-22 11:17:24.