A few days ago, one of my aunts reminded me about the dangers of white table salt and how most people are misinformed about its dangers. Thankfully, I’ve long since weaned myself from the tiny translucent grain. Surprisingly, I even had to adjust my tastebuds against craving salt, as my mother outlawed salt in our house—she was well versed in the dangers of the three toxic white substances: sugar, flour and salt.
Many of the health lessons my parents taught me had to be relearned in adulthood when freedom of food consumption temporarily seduced me from the best health choices. Although the health battle is a constant for me, salt-shaking white table salt is not on my list of challenges anymore, thankfully.
The Dark Side of Table Salt
Table salt is a refined and processed substance stripped of natural minerals and nutrients. Refining involves using chemicals like bleach and anti-caking agents, which can be toxic to our bodies. These chemicals can cause inflammation, oxidative stress, and damage to our cells, leading to various health problems.
Table salt is also highly acidic, with a pH of around 3.5. This acidity can disrupt the body’s natural pH balance, which is slightly alkaline, ranging from 7.35 to 7.45. When our body’s pH balance is disrupted, it can lead to various health problems, including osteoporosis, kidney disease and digestive issues.
According to Dr. David Brownstein, a renowned expert on salt and health, “Table salt is a toxic substance that has no place in our diets. It’s a major contributor to many health problems today, from high blood pressure to osteoporosis.”

The Alarming Truth About Salt-Related Deaths
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that excessive salt consumption is responsible for over 2.5 million deaths worldwide each year. In the United States alone, it’s estimated that over 400,000 deaths per year can be attributed to excessive salt consumption. These numbers are staggering and highlight the urgent need to reassess our relationship with salt.
In contrast, Himalayan salt is a natural and unrefined salt rich in minerals and nutrients. Himalayan salt contains over 80 essential micronutrients, including magnesium, calcium, and iron, necessary for maintaining good health.
One critical benefit of Himalayan salt is its ability to promote healthy digestion. The minerals present in Himalayan salt can help regulate the balance of fluids in the body, reduce inflammation, and promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Additionally, Himalayan salt has a pH-balancing effect on the body, helping to restore the body’s natural alkaline state. Himalayan salt is also rich in electrolytes, essential for maintaining proper hydration and nerve function. The electrolytes present in Himalayan salt can help regulate the body’s fluid balance, reduce muscle cramps and spasms and promote healthy nerve function.
Excessive consumption of table salt can lead to a range of health issues, including increased blood pressure and heightened cardiovascular risk. It also contributes to osteoporosis and bone loss, disrupts digestive health by affecting gut bacteria, and can cause inflammation and oxidative stress. Additionally, table salt may increase the likelihood of developing kidney disease and kidney stones.
The Power of Taste Buds
When we switch to Himalayan salt, our taste buds may take some time to adjust. This is because Himalayan salt has a more complex flavor profile than table salt, with a slightly sweet and nutty taste. It can take up to 30 days for our taste buds to readjust to this new flavor, but the benefits are well worth it.
Our taste buds are incredibly adaptable. They can be conditioned to crave things that are not beneficial to our health, but they can also be retrained to enjoy healthy alternatives. The food industry is literally banking on our addictive palate to subjugate us to making unhealthy choices. Stay vigilant and stay informed.
The steps to readjusting your palate can start today.
*As always, consult a physician before making any dietary changes