As the beautiful moon of Women’s History Month prepares for March, we wanted to share an amazing story about a mother of mothers and a water of waters.
Maybe you were today years old when you learned that a melanin-enriched African woman, Mother Hajar (peace be upon her), played the main character role in the inception of one of the holiest cities in the Islamic world. Often, when the Middle East or Saudi Arabia comes to mind, the image of a Black woman is not the first association. Yet, the genesis of the story of Zamzam water unfolds through the captivating journey of a faithful, determined mother of Prophet Ishmael (peace be upon him) and wife of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him).
Mother Hajar was an African woman from Egypt.
We will transition into the story at the point where Mother Hajar (peace be upon her), with her infant son, found herself alone when the water and dates left by her husband were depleted while in a barren desert. Desperation led her to run back and forth in the valley between the mountains of Safa and Marwah, seeking help from passing travelers of which she didn’t see any. After seven rounds of this heartfelt plea, the Angel Gabriel (peace be upon him) appeared, striking the ground to reveal a spring of water, gushing forth for her and her offspring. A miraculous act of mercy that gave birth to the city of Mecca. The original name was Becca, as you will find references to it in both the Bible and the Quran.
“Blessed is the man whose strength is in Thee; in whose heart are the ways of them who passing through the valley of Bacca make it a well.” [Psalm 84:5-6.]
Quran [3:96] also states that the “most important shrine established for the people is the one in Becca, a blessed beacon for all the people.”
This freshwater source attracted a tribe, and negotiations with Mother Hajar resulted in the tribe’s settlement while overall rights to Zamzam remained with her. Thus, the great city of Mecca emerged from a once-barren desert. In this revered place, millions globally go to worship the Almighty and honor the determination and struggle of an African woman with relentless resolve and a blessed hand in the history of the world.
Zamzam has quenched the spiritual and physical thirst of millions upon millions for over 4000 years and counting.
Part of the rituals to be performed once one travels to Mecca includes retracing Hajar’s steps and running between the mountains Safa and Marwah, emulating her journey. Despite the beauty and inspiration in Mother Hajar’s story, we will refocus on the water of waters – Zamzam, revered as the purest on the planet, according to both science and laymen alike. But you can read more about Hajar’s (peace and blessings be upon her) inspiring story here by Dr. Jamillah Karim.
In the heart of the sacred city of Mecca lies the well of Zamzam, a source not only of spiritual significance but also of exceptional qualities that set it apart in the world of waters. Beyond its historical and religious importance, Zamzam water boasts the highest pH balance among all waters.
Scientifically, pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance on a scale from zero to 14, with seven being neutral. Zam Zam water, with a pH ranging between 7.4 and 9.2, leans towards the alkaline end. Some believe that this slightly alkaline nature contributes to its potential health benefits. Studies suggest that maintaining a more alkaline body environment may help neutralize acidity and support overall well-being.
The findings of distinguished researchers Dr. Knut Pfeiffer and Dr. Yahya Koshak build on the scientific dimension of Zamzam’s lore. Dr. Pfeiffer’s comprehensive analysis affirmed the unique mineral profile of Zamzam water, emphasizing elevated levels of essential elements like calcium, magnesium and fluoride. These minerals not only contribute to its distinct taste but also add to its potential health benefits.
Complementing this, Dr. Koshak delved into the potential antimicrobial properties of Zamzam water, suggesting that it may possess antibacterial characteristics. While more research is needed to understand the extent of these properties fully, these findings have opened new avenues of exploration into the health attributes of Zamzam water.
Some proponents assert that zamzam’s purity may aid digestion, enhance hydration and contribute to well-being. Elevated levels of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium and fluoride are believed to contribute to bone health, dental strength and overall bodily functions.
As we sip from the well that quenched the thirst of Hagar and Ishmael, we are not merely partaking in a religious ritual but engaging with a substance that has captured the curiosity of scientists and health enthusiasts.
Zamzam water, with its elevated pH balance, unique mineral composition, and potential health benefits, continues to be a source of fascination and reverence, where the realms of faith and science converge. From the determination of Mother Hajar (peace and blessings be upon her) to the meticulous research of modern scientists, the story of Zamzam water resonates as a testament to the intertwined threads of history, spirituality and scientific inquiry. In every sip, we taste not just the purity of water but the essence of a journey that spans centuries and civilizations—a journey that began with the cry of a baby and a mother’s love and perseverance in a barren desert, and continues to flow through the hands and hearts of millions, nourishing both body and soul.
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for.’ I am drinking it to ward off thirst on the Day of Resurrection.”