Black game developers are struggling to get job opportunities as the gaming world remains largely white.
According to a 2021 International Gaming Association report about the gaming world’s demographics, while 67% were reported as white, only 4% of the worldwide respondents identified as Black. While this percentage has gone up, it’s only gone up by 2% in 16 years; in 2005, the IGA reported that just 2% of the developers identified as Black.
Although initiatives are being started for the underrepresented game developers, such as Black Girl Gamers, the IGA report shows that there’s still work to be done.
To support Black game developers, here are 5 games made entirely by Black developers that are available for download now.
SweetXHeart: Created by game developer Catt Small in 2019, the interactive game follows the life of Kara, a Bronx student at an art college and an intern at a tech company. Throughout the game, as the titular character goes through the five days of the workweek and talks to other characters, the players can make decisions for the 19-year-old girl that will visibly affect the character and vary her stress levels. According to a statement from Small on her official website, SweetXheart was influenced by her own experiences as a Black woman and was developed as a way to generate discussions about gender, race and microaggressions. The game can be played for free online.
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan: Developed by Kiro’o Games Studio, a Cameroonian video game company made up of a team of self-taught developers, the game follows prince Enzo Kori-Odan and his queen-to-be, Erine Evou, as they go on a journey to reclaim the throne after Evou’s brother overthrows Kori-Odan. Throughout the game, Kori-Odan will have to travel to different countries and learn how to channel the energy of his relatives before him. Although set in the fictional planet of Auriona, the combat game is based around African culture as it includes fashion and characters from African myths in the narrative. To play the game, it costs $15 on Steam.
For the Culture: Created by Ark Creative Company, a gaming company composed of developer Teddy Phillips and designer Cameron White, this game is a game of charades. As one of the players holds the phone and gives hints, participants are given 60 seconds to guess the subject. A player can also hold the phone up to their forehead as the other participants give hints to help them guess the word. The categories are all about Black culture. In addition to Black history, For the Culture offers categories, like music and movies, that are focused on Black creators. To play, the app is available for download on the Apple and Google Play stores for free.
Aerial_Knight’s Never Yield: Created by designer Neil Jones, otherwise known as “Aerial_Knight,” the game follows the main character, Wally, as he jumps and slides under obstacles. Set in a futuristic interpretation of Detroit, the goal of the game is to get away from the agents and drones chasing Wally. According to a statement by Jones on his website, the game is a way to honor Black culture and remind Black people to never give up in the face of racism and oppression. Aerial_Knight’s Never Yield is available on Switch for $11.99 and was just released on the Apple and Google Play Stores for $2.99.
Swimsanity!: Made by two brothers, Khalil and Ahmed Abdullah, the game allows players to control swimmer Mooba as he makes his way through the waters. This multiplayer game allows the players to either join together to fight against sea creatures or play in competitive competitions against each other. Swimsanity! Offers a variety of content as more than 150 challenges are offered throughout the game. To play, the game is available on Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Playstation and more for $14.99.