On March 16, 1872, the first Black-owned newspaper was created by John Russwurm and Samuel Cornish in New York City. Known as the Freedom Journal, the newspaper sought to not only spread awareness but also empower the Black community.
For nearly 200 years, Black-owned newspapers and media platforms have been providing information to the public. Here are five of some of the most noteworthy newspapers and magazines.
- Essence: Created in 1970 by the owners of the Essence Communication Inc., Edward Lewis, Clarence O. Smith, Cecil Hollingsworth and Jonathan Blount, Essence is a magazine that’s geared towards Black women. Highlighting fashion trends and offering business tips, Essence offers insight on a variety of topics, including entertainment, culture, politics and beauty. Throughout the magazine’s history, Black women have been at the forefront of creating the contents. The executive team currently consists of all Black women and Black women, including Marcia Ann Gillespie and Susan L. Taylor, have always served as the Editors-in-Chief. Starting as a Black-owned business, the magazine was briefly owned in part by Time Inc., but has since returned to being 100% Black-owned when Time Inc. sold their shares in January 2018.
- Blavity: Founded in 2014 by Morgan DeBaun, Jonathan Jackson, Jeff Nelson and Aaron Samuels, this platform caters towards Black Millennials and Generation Zers. Led by DeBaun as CEO, Blavity News includes articles about community news, lifestyle tips and business tips amongst others. Readers’ voices are also heard as they’re allowed to submit their own Op-Eds to be featured on the site. With their success, Blavity is dedicated to supporting Black entrepreneurs. In 2021, they launched their Blavity.org Growth Fellowship. Throughout the six month duration of the fellowship, Black entrepreneurs are given $10,000 in grants, a sponsor and technology free of charge.
- The Atlanta Tribune: Made by Pat Lottier in 1987, the Atlanta Tribune highlights the Black community and focuses on sports, business and politics amongst other topics. The newspaper also includes local community news about Atlanta for the local readers. The newspaper is currently owned by Real Times Media LLC, the owners of the historic Chicago Defender, the Michigan Chronicle, Frontpage Detroit, the New Pittsburgh Courier, the Atlanta Daily World and the Tri-State Defender. Philanthropist and entrepreneur Hiram E. Jackson serves as CEO.
- Ebony: Created in 1945 by John H. Johnson, owner of the Johnson Publishing Company, the platform focuses on a range of topics, including beauty, education and health, and their roles in the Black community. Led by Senior Vice President and Editor-in-Chief, Marielle Bobo, the newspaper also publishes special features. In 2018, their series, titled “Coolest Black Family in America,” gained attraction. The articles illustrated Black families in the U.S. throughout multiple profiles. Their coverage has won them multiple awards, including the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Magazine Overall Coverage. Ebony is currently owned by businessman and athlete Junior Bridgeman.
- The Philadelphia Tribune: Hailed as one of the oldest Black-owned newspapers, the Philadelphia Tribune was first created in 1884. The publication focuses on both nationwide and Philadelphia-based news affecting the Black community. The Philadelphia Tribune also dedicates a space to the younger generation. The newspaper reports on the shining schools in the local area and offers quizzes to boost knowledge about Black History Month and Women History Month.
- 6. ShineMyCrown: Created in 2017 by Ayara Pommells and Kareem Graves, Shine My Crown is aimed at Black and Brown women and other women of color. By providing articles about a variety of topics, including nationwide news, fashion and sports, the digital platform works to inform and inspire all women of color. Shine My Crown also empowers their readers by highlighting achievements by Black and Brown women and the organizations they run.