This morning, I saw a tweet from @shanehelmscom that stated, “So the same people that think humans have no effect of climate change now believe that humans can control the weather?” As many lone-digit I.Q. tweeters have reported that Democrats are making it rain, but not clearing it out.
This morning, someone also tried to convince me that I had the flu because COVID-19 is not real due to fear of contagious brain rot; I opted to respond only with, “Oh.” I still don’t know how the flu is real, but COVID isn’t; they are the expert, not me.
So the same people that think humans have no effect on climate change now believe that humans can control the weather?
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) October 8, 2024
I also saw a tweet from Republican Anna Paulina Luna(tic) of Florida that tweeted about help from FEMA after she voted against funding the program. I can only conclude that being that absolutely dumb must come with benefits, like being far right has got to be blissful, in a way that only ignorance can be. All three of these events make me want to repeatedly bang my head against the wall in hopes of achieving that type of numbness.
Picture it: Jerusalem or whatever, 2018 BC. There’s Moses talking to burning bushes (it’s giving forest fire) and then taking his staff and parting the Red Sea. Wow, so cool. Maybe humans can really affect the weather, and here we are 4000 years later—actively ignoring the same scientists who tell us to get the f*ck out the way—of the storm, of course, they created. What I want to know is, whom do hurricanes benefit? They bankrupt companies, they decimate communities, they wreak havoc on infrastructures, and cripple local economies.
Hurricanes have been happening for centuries, but all of a sudden, it’s Democrats making this happen?!
Well, was it Republicans who made Katrina happen? It’s crazy how it’s an act of God when it happens to Black people but an act of Democrats when it happens to white people. The worst part about it is that, for some reason, people are actively lapping up the misinformation. North Carolina is a swing state; why would they kill potential voters?
Anti-vaxxers are an interesting lot, not that healthcare professionals are infallible, but to trivialize the recommendations of the science you seek for treatment when your condition is too far gone for ivermectin is absurd. People were actively taking their last breath while still being Covid deniers. If you didn’t die from Covid, and if you definitely didn’t die from the vaccine you didn’t get, how did you die? What is so important about you that millions of people around the world died in order to trick you? The entire world actually shut down to deceive YOU about Covid, and what exactly did they have gotten out of it? What would have been the benefit had you not been too smart to detect the deception?
The same party of “don’t say gay,” or gets offended by being called weird, is calling people snowflakes, I’m so confused. The same party that is afraid of drag queens grooming children, sweep child molestation under the rug, and potentially forcing young girls to keep the pregnancies of their abuses. The same pro-life party denies children food in schools and basic healthcare. The same party that is banning books wants to have the bible as mandatory reading, like there isn’t rape, incest, murder, and violence all throughout that thing—hell—THE MAIN CHARACTER GETS MURDERED!!!
According to Florida senator and former governor of Florida, Rick Scott, who also could moonlight as Gollum from Lord of the Rings, “IVF must be protected,” but voted against it. He even did an entire ad about his daughter using IVF; what the entire f*ck? Anna Paulina Luna(tic) is a House Rep. for the 13th congressional district of Florida. On Oct. 7, she tweeted, “We have a category 5 hurricane headed right to Pinellas, and @KamalaHarris is taking time to attack @GovRonDeSantis? Cut the crap. WE need FEMA DOLLARS FREE’D UP. ALL ASSETS. STOP ATTACKING RON AND DO YOUR JOB! @VP.”
Each of my 7 grandkids is a precious gift from God. But sometimes families need help.
— Rick Scott (@ScottforFlorida) June 14, 2024
You can count on this grandpa to always protect IVF.
Watch my latest campaign ad👇
We have a category 5 hurricane headed right to Pinellas, and @KamalaHarris is taking this time to attack @GovRonDeSantis?
— Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (@RepLuna) October 8, 2024
She voted against FEMA funding less than a month ago. While there has been rampant misinformation all over the internet, and even some Republican lawmakers asking for the misinformation to stop, it has continued.
What good is that doing?
The far-right only believes in socialism when it’s time for a baby shower or disaster relief, and not a minute before, either. They are the party of hypocrisy. They are more concerned with the Second Amendment than a second grader. They are neither peaceful nor loving but somehow are the moral superiors.
When the highest representation of your core values is a rapist, racist and a liar, you might want to have someone better to look up to, unless, of course, you are happy being stupid.