Even though America is a group project, white men always get the credit. Somehow, even in the worst of times, no one ever questions whether a white man should continue to lead; they just get a new one. No one ever said, ‘Let’s diversify leadership,’ after The Great Depression. Naw, they just put another white guy in office and granted, he was pretty great at turning sh*t around, but some of his later successors were not successful at their jobs. No one blamed white leadership, including those who claim Barack Obama was the worst president, for Nixon’s terrible tenure. You don’t even need anything beyond an elementary grasp of history to find him, either.
No searching deep into the archives to find Dick’s stains on the story of America; however, Obama was blamed for this country’s racism, not the slave-owning presidents—not the confederacy—nope, Obama.
Pete Hegseth is Donald Trump’s cabinet pick for Secretary of Defense. However, Hegseth is a stumbling drunk who is extremely bad with money. He was the executive director for the conservative think tank Vets for Freedom but was demoted when it came out that the organization was over half a million dollars in debt due to excessive partying. He then was ‘removed’ from his executive position at the Concerned Veterans for America advocacy group because he could not stay sober long enough to do his job.
He did manage to hire his brother before he left, and I’m sure it is because he could not find anyone more qualified for the job than his own relative.
Pete Hegseth is a symptom of American degeneracy, a drunk neo-Nazi misogynist who failed into a backup couch job on Fox News.
— Jim Stewartson, Antifascist 🇺🇸🇺🇦🏴☠️ (@jimstewartson) January 14, 2025
Just the idea that this shithead will be leading our military makes me want to break things. pic.twitter.com/jfiy0aDHxb
Speaking of relatives, why is there never this clamor about nepotism when it is an extremely exclusionary practice? Why is nepotism never seen as some overreach or unfair advantage? In fact, it is encouraged, even when the first family member sucked. George H.W. Bush was so bad that he was defeated by a cornbread-fed Bama from Hope, Arkansas, yet people still decided to elect his son, who was even worse, TWICE. However, even with the insanely bad lineage, Jeb, the second eldest of the six Bush siblings, also ran for president—even though he could not run his own household—as two out of three of his children, Noelle and John Ellis Bush Jr, have both been arrested. Jeb was also against more progressive drug legislation and medical marijuana even though he was a cannabis user in college; no one questioned his qualifications to lead or his consistency.
Some of the worst misconceptions about DEI are that Black people with high-profile jobs are only employed because of DEI initiatives and not on merit, that every white man who has a high-profile job is hired on merit, and that DEI initiatives do not benefit white people, including men. However, that is unequivocally false; according to a study done by the company Deloitte, which specializes in business optimization, “White women made the largest percentage increase in board seats gained in both the Fortune 100 and Fortune 500, larger than any other group or gender, a gain of 34 seats (15%) in the Fortune 100 and 209 seats (21%) in the Fortune 500.” Not to mention, DEI initiatives include increased hiring for veterans and the disabled, two demographics which don’t exclude white men but white supremacists are so afraid someone else will get ahead that they would sacrifice their own benefit.
Racists will get on the same smartphone with technology, helped by the ingenuity of a Black woman, to make a case for Black inferiority.
The cognitive dissonance is astounding.
It is crazy that people who see everything as an unfair advantage achieved through DEI can’t see actual racism. Some of them argue that DEI is racism, but only because rational thought escapes them. Racism requires physical, mental or emotional violence, discrimination, inequality and prejudice. What part of prejudice equates to diversity? What part of inequality equates to equity and what part of discrimination equates to inclusion? Giving everyone an opportunity requires everyone to be at their best, including the white people who swear they are the most qualified for the position because they can’t imagine a Black person doing anything better than them except playing basketball. Additionally, the anti-DEI crowd still has no problem with the Commander-In-Cheeto making a distinction for Black jobs.
Mark Zuckerberg—the world’s least manly guy—recently went on Joe Rogan, while sporting a curly perm and aversion to looking alive, to talk about his disdain for the feminization of capitalism which is odd because his entire app was built in order to rate college women. So clearly, they need women in the business model, just not as part of the business. Again, this new diving into the manosphere is very odd for a billionaire who can’t even afford a set of balls. It is still unknown how much money Zuckerberg needs to make to feel comfortable enough with not sucking Trump’s d*ck, as well.
Like, imagine having that much wealth and it still not being enough for you not to get in bed with white nationalists and holocaust deniers as a Jewish person. Hell, speaking of which, Hitler decimated half of Europe, including his own country, and between the Holocaust and WWII, is responsible for at least FIFTY MILLION deaths, and yet he still has fans, a lot of them. HE WAS NOT A GOOD LEADER, WHAT THE F*CK?!
Racism is that alluring that millions of people would rather be terrible people in order to somehow prove they are better.
White supremacy is nothing but the puffed-out chest personification of white fear.
DEI initiatives are not saying don’t hire white people. White people still make more money than their counterparts and are less likely to endure unemployment, but that does not mean that every white person hired for a job received it on their own merit and was the most diligent employee. If that were the case, white people would never get fired, and that simply isn’t true. Instead, white fear is so blinding that you can complain about the Vice President—who has a juris doctorate and served as the attorney general for California—is a DEI hire while opting to vote for the man with no previous political experience, to the highest position of the land. Your reasons are because you thought he was the best for the economy, *checks notes*, with half a dozen bankruptcies, and because of your views on morality, *checks notes, again*, who has been convicted 34 times, and was found to have committed sexual assault.
Mediocre white men hate the idea of inclusion because that means that they would actually have to work hard or, even worse, be held to the same standards they hold everyone else to.