“Love you ladies” and “Love you lady” are both utterances of praise found in ubiquity from Magats under Diamond and Silk and Candace Owens’ social media posts. In a bit of irony, lady was and is rarely used with praise when this same group refers to the former First Lady, Michelle Obama; in fact, despite her giving birth to two children, many still question her gender.
The word “lady” implies class, and while class is merely subjective and qualitative, there are characteristics that define it. Logically, there is no way people could think that Owens, and especially Diamond and Silk—who are/were nothing but their most imagined and feared stereotypes of Black women turned into objects used for justifying white supremacy—are remotely classier than Michelle Obama. Diamond and Silk were the personifications of the most ghettofied Black women—those who receive no benefit from white supremacy but dutifully comply with their position of subservience and acquiescence to white superiority, the modern version of minstrelsy mammies.
Owens presents as an even better Black agent for white supremacy. She is a bit more coiffed, a bit more polished and is even harder to deny because, as an educated Black woman, she would surely know what she is talking about even more. While educating Black people has never been a priority for a white society, Owens still provides credibility with her eloquence and a face close enough to pretty that satisfies fetishism palatability (also having a white husband whose father is a British Lord, doesn’t hurt). When Black people, especially Black women, counter racism—no matter how eloquent—no matter how many of us are saying the same thing, telling a Black person they could learn a thing or two from Owens is a panacea white people frequently use on mouthy Blacks who talk about the evils or racism.
Even though Owens makes her money off denying racism and championing colorblindness, her success is because she is Black. All three are Black women hired to do white work.
Most school shootings are overwhelmingly committed by white males; maybe that’s the reason there is so little being done to stop them. According to Statista, white males make up 81% of k-12 shooters. On Thursday, January 23, 2025, yet another school shooting happened. In this rare case, the school shooter was Black. However, in a 51-page manifesto that has been attributed to him (authorities are still investigating its authenticity), he was ashamed of being Black. According to that same manifesto, the shooter credits Owens, Nick Fuentes and the white nationalist movement, in general, as inspiration. Owens released a statement on social media, denying culpability and stating that the manifesto was fake, and used the fact that the manifesto was partially plagiarized from one of the shooters of a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, as evidence of it not being real.
It is truly sickening that people would use the death of a young 16 year old girl to try to quickly score political points, rather than to responsibly make sure that what they are sharing is accurate.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) January 23, 2025
Regarding the alleged “manifesto”, it is an obvious troll. How can you tell?… pic.twitter.com/P0ISEnwv4u
While Mr. Beast and Hasan Piker—spelled Hassan Parker—are also referenced in the manifesto and are not politically aligned with white supremacy, when have erraticism and plagiarism ever been a priority for someone looking to kill children? The point still stands that the school shooter fueled his fury from the toxic fumes from the far-right, evidenced by the photo of him doing a Roman salute à la Elon Musk. More importantly, even if the manifesto is not real and was merely written by a plagiarizing troll, the fact remains that one of the Christchurch shooters was still inspired to kill Muslims and cited Owens.
Candace Owens allows white people to feel comfortable about white supremacy without feeling racist. She placates to a crowd that imagines itself righteous and holy, no matter how much hate they spew. She frees racists from having a guilty conscience by falling in line with and encouraging their desired caste system, and for that, she is rewarded heavier than a house n*gga with the diabeetus.
Owens has a racist white man’s job. Her hypocrisy—showcased by earning a living by telling other women they shouldn’t work and denying racism, like she also didn’t get her start in the public eye by suing her school board for racism—is met with their hypocrisy of professing to love all God’s children while not applying that rule to anyone not made in their own image.
Owens is a college dropout, yet somehow, she has risen to the ranks of being a valued voice of politics in the conservative media world. She is uneducated, makes uninformed statements, her position has been cited in people’s murders and yet she is still viewed with special reverence and employed, even if by the people.
She is the best example of what racists are unwittingly referencing when they claim someone is a DEI hire; she is the underqualified Black person who got a white job.