Last week, professional grifter and split-ends enthusiast Candace Owens was fired from her job at the Daily White Supremacy Wire. She is now just another unemployed Black woman, pushed out of a white establishment where she so wanted to belong. Before Owens parted ways with her superior white males, excuse me, white male superiors, Owens made a great living off of being the do-girl for white nationalism. Until recently, when she redirected some of her bigotry from Black people to Jewish people because it is absolutely fine to dog the f*ck out of Black people, but there is a line, love.
The rumors are true— I am finally free.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) March 22, 2024
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In a world where Israel is unabashedly washing its hands in the blood of children and using the blood of its ancestors as some sort of sanitizer, the distinction between antisemitism and calling out genocide or referring to the omnipresence of Jewish men in high-ranking media positions can be blurry.
Unfortunately, Candace crossed that line and forgot that Jews, like the Italians, Irish and the Polish before them, were no longer non-white. Because of the horrendous-ness of the Holocaust, there exists an interesting paradigm where Jewish people were oppressed for not being white enough but are white enough to oppress others with such large-scale support, justified as Zionism. Owens clearly forgot herself and forgot that being “one of the good ones” will never translate to being one of them. Her marriage will never allow her the same privileges of a proper Missus and criticism of a class of people more protected than her. The Black girl will never sleep comfortably in the largest room on the plantation, no matter how much they claim to love her.
Candace Owens, like many Black Magats, suffers from the very affliction they claim is ubiquitous in the Black voting sector. Owens tweets about her freedom after being released by her employer, ignoring the irony of how so many of her talking points stand atop the sentiment that Black voters are stuck on the Democrat plantation. Hmm, maybe now she won’t think Juneteenth is so ghetto, since she is so liberated and all. For her sake, I hope she is brainwashed because I can’t imagine that the business of selling your own people down the river pays anything more than a few slices of warm bread from a table where white supremacists still get to feast off the creations that Black people, the same ones whom she bemoans as lazy, have labored tirelessly to create. Any Black person who seeks to suckle from institutions that refer to them as “one of the good ones” because they are willing to deny the indelible damage of slavery and the current emotional, financial and physical violence of racism and white nationalism and what those things have done to people in their own families, let alone themselves, is not someone who is deserving of the brain they have.
They are, in fact, the greatest example of the stereotype that Blacks have a lower I.Q. that those same white nationalists they prostitute themselves for regurgitating as valid talking points to justify their supremacy and racism. Imagine the same group that denies your ability to be as intelligent is the same group that praises you for agreeing with them.
Her lauding of the traditional wife and condemnation of women’s desire to work is now the reality she has created for herself, but I’m sure she did not mind getting payment for telling other women they should stay home. Owens has a lot to say about a hypersexualized culture when she’s not only a famewhore but she’s also a cheap trick that the Republican party parades around to prove how un-racist they are. But now, the same Black culture she demonized and built her career on separating herself from is now the same crowd she is ingratiating herself to. Rappers who now have enough money to be the capitalists they once rapped negatively about view Owens with a softer lens than they generally view other working Black women.
Meek Mill has tweeted singing her praises, and of course, who can forget her “White Lives Matter” stunt with Kanye West? She has also recently been on Joe Budden’s podcast and “The Breakfast Club.” It’s funny how Charlamagne was harder on Lil Mama than Candace Owens, but I digress. But I will give to Owens; her grift game is so strong that maybe she is the one controlling the narrative. I mean, the right is quick to talk about division, and Owens herself is no stranger to being above and below the dividing bar.
I watch Candace Owens all the time too!
— MeekMill (@MeekMill) February 7, 2024
Owens’ first introduction to the world was when she and her family sued the Stamford Board of Education for not protecting her after she received racist death threats from three white male students. She won a settlement. Unbelievably enough, Owens spent the beginning of her career as a talking head by bashing those same Republicans she currently performs lapdog duties for. After getting doxed and harassed online for attempting to set up a website to do that exact thing, Owens felt attacked by the left and made a sharp turn into the wolves’ den. She soon became the defender of every gamer who had not seen the light outside of his mother’s basement in a year, and the darkness inside a vagina, in five.
Even before her release from bondage, Owens’ drift to engaging with the same stereotypical Black male sector, which she so frequently demonized, had started. It’s hard to believe that someone heartless could ever have a change of heart, but who knows, maybe Owens’ anti-Blackness was some sort of defense mechanism that she is now slowly deprogramming from. Maybe her release from slavery will result in an un-brainwashing, if that’s a word. Maybe there is a sad little Black girl who still lives inside Candace and was so traumatized by those death threats that she folded inside herself and wished for a new version of Candace to be born, like a modern-day Pecola.
Ebro CALLS OUT Joe Budden and The Breakfast club. For having #candaceowens on their platform. “That’s the game, there is no integrity. It’s whats going to get clicks”@JoeBuddenPod @breakfastclubam @RealCandaceO
— The Shot Review (@GloryHoleshow) March 24, 2024
In a world that pushes Black women to the bottom, some of us will do anything just to get air. Receiving the praise of the alt-right was still praise for her and maybe it was a way for Owens to set herself apart from the very Blackness that enticed others to harm her.
Maybe it ignited a fear and she did all she could do to run away from it, you know…to freedom.