In a shocking but not surprising new event, the Supreme Court essentially destroyed the very tenets of freedom upon which this country was built. Well, allegedly because the same men fighting for independence were still slave owners, but without further digression, the Revolutionary War was essentially fought to eliminate monarchical rule, specifically under King George III.

Still, less than one year out from the 250th anniversary of when the first shots were fired from that war, the social experiment called the United States (sponsored by democracy) is now on the brink of being a totalitarian institution.

Today, July 1., 2024, The Supreme Court essentially ruled that a president is immune of a crime as long as he is operating in an official presidential capacity.  Whenever our lawmakers, our upholders, are allowed to break laws, then we are officially in trouble. One where old white men can play f*ckball with the entire world’s population instead of going to therapy or being better people is nothing new, but the technology to destroy has never been more readily available than ever before.

If elected, Trump will not only be immune from his current crimes but also from future ones, barring those executed in an official presidential capacity.

Yeah, okay.

At this rate, what is to keep him from killing his political opponents with impunity? What is keeping him from killing us with impunity?

As we saw on Jan. 6.. 2021, this same person’s fanbase attempted to overthrow the country completely; what is stopping him from forming his own militia and allowing new laws to be written and codified with his kingship in mind? The entire purpose of the three branches of government is accountability, not necessarily alliance. If there is no governing without checks and balances, then there is no governing; there is only ruling. For those unfamiliar with Project 2025, it is a 900-plus-page document that wants to undermine many American liberties and establish rule by white nationalists. Its goals are to essentially eradicate government agencies, like the DOJ and the EPA, as well as give Trump more power.

From the looks of the most recent ruling, The Supreme Court is already starting early and is looking to hand Trump the Führership whether he wins fair and square or not. 

America, you in danger, girl. 

Kyla Jenée Lacey is an accomplished third-person bio composer. Her spoken word has garnered tens of millions of views, and has been showcased on Pop Sugar, Write About Now, Buzzfeed, Harper’s Bizarre, Diet Prada, featured on the Tamron Hall show, and Laura Ingraham from Fox News called her work, “Anti-racist propaganda.”. She has performed spoken word at over 300 colleges in over 40 states. Kyla has been a finalist in the largest regional poetry slam in the country, no less than five times, and was nominated as Campus Activities Magazine Female Performer of the Year. Her work has been acknowledged by several Grammy-winning artists. Her poetry has been viewed over 50 million times and even used on protest billboards in multiple countries. She has written for large publications such as The Huffington Post,, and the Root Magazine and is the author of "Hickory Dickory Dock, I Do Not Want Your C*ck!!!," a book of tongue-in-cheek poems, about patriarchy....for manchildren.

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