In 2015, Amber Rose had her first “Slutwalk,” but as of 2024, she is now having her walk of shame, as she parades around with Donald and Melania Trump at campaign events for the former rapist. While we are all welcome to change our minds, Rose’s equivocation feels like nothing more than an attention and money grab tour for the former ‘it’ girl and current forehead tat recipient. At least when Rose previously sought attention, it was somewhat interesting and inspiring but now it seems that Muva has consensually stooped down just to open up her mouth widely for the patriarchy. 

The same woman who broke down in her Los Angeles SlutWalk crowd recounted the first time she was slutshamed. Rose, whose real name is Amber Levonchuck, recounts how she was a 14-year-old virgin, playing seven minutes in heaven with a group of friends. While she was in a closet with a boy, he told her to get on her knees. Confused, she complied and when the door was opened, everyone began laughing. Her confusion continued until she realized that he had pulled out his penis. Now, she proudly supports a man who has been on record for having said, “Grab them by the p*ssy,” oh, and he is a rapist.

Born in the birthplace of independence, Philadelphia, Rose is now a staunch supporter of someone who may find his freedom voided after his pending sentencing for committing 34 felonies. Maybe it was the ink from the tattoo that has warped her mind because when asked by a TMZ reporter about her endorsement of Trump, considering she “is all about women’s rights issues,” her response is aired in a tone that is one part sarcasm and the other pure perplexity, showcasing the dilemma in her equivocation, “Is Donald Trump not for women’s rights issues?”

No (Bad) Bitch, he is not.

She then continues, with “he’s tried to make America great again, that’s for women too, right?!?!” No, America has not really been great for women, especially not the Black women who do not have the privileges of colorism or for the Black people whose culture you’ve infiltrated as you’ve successfully ridden your racial ambiguity to the top of the video vixen food chain.

Speaking of being a video vixen, Amber Rose was immersed in a community that was overflowing with misogyny, one would think that supporting a rapist would be the last person she would be so readily supporting.

When called to the carpet about her support for someone who is homophobic, racist and misogynistic, her response in the comments of The Shaderooom’s Instagram was, “Lmaooo yall think Biden cares about black ppl??? Sad. Do ur research. I did. I’ll ALWAYS put women first. Y’all want biological men in women’s sports. Trump supports the most reasonable compromise on abortion. Stop being brainwashed, cuz WE’RE ppl of color. Make your own decisions.”

Even though Trump gloats about the abolishment of Roe v. Wade, stating his purpose was to support the states’ right to determine their own will. After acknowledging that all states have differing laws, and some of those laws are more stringent than others, he then stated that he was in favor of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. I’m sure that a billionaire rapist would love abortion to at least be legal for his rape (or possible incest) victims because the last thing he would want is to pay his businesses he owes child support.

Mind you, at least 25 women have accused him of sexual assault and Amber Rose still supports him.

Amber Rose claims to have been released from the brainwashing on the left, but it seems she’s now in favor of the money laundering on the right because endorsing someone who is staunchly against women’s rights probably comes with an envelope full of cash…allegedly.

Amber Rose is an advocate for sex workers, and while selling your body is one thing, selling your soul is a completely different thing.

Kyla Jenée Lacey is an accomplished third-person bio composer. Her spoken word has garnered tens of millions of views, and has been showcased on Pop Sugar, Write About Now, Buzzfeed, Harper’s Bizarre, Diet Prada, featured on the Tamron Hall show, and Laura Ingraham from Fox News called her work, “Anti-racist propaganda.”. She has performed spoken word at over 300 colleges in over 40 states. Kyla has been a finalist in the largest regional poetry slam in the country, no less than five times, and was nominated as Campus Activities Magazine Female Performer of the Year. Her work has been acknowledged by several Grammy-winning artists. Her poetry has been viewed over 50 million times and even used on protest billboards in multiple countries. She has written for large publications such as The Huffington Post,, and the Root Magazine and is the author of "Hickory Dickory Dock, I Do Not Want Your C*ck!!!," a book of tongue-in-cheek poems, about patriarchy....for manchildren.

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