There are too many people railing about sugar. Yes, it’s not the best thing to consume and it may be one of the worst things to consume, but we must be clear about it. Processed sugar is the demon, not natural unrefined sugar. That said, the sugar inherent in fruit, veggies and grains has not caused the metabolic issues many of us are bombarded by every day. 

The recommendation for processed sugar consumption is no more than nine teaspoons per day for a man and six teaspoons per day for a woman. A 12-ounce can of Coke is approximately 10 teaspoons of added sugar. If you drank a can of Coke, you probably shouldn’t consume any additional processed food or drink for the rest of the day since 74% of processed food contains added sugar. 

Fruit consumption is a totally different story. I’m not aware of any studies that limit the amount of fruit you should eat. If you find a study like that, please let me know because it would be big news. 

Therefore, I recommend to my clients at least six pieces of fruit per day. That seems to be a lot for many, but part of my goal is to free them from processed sugar addiction. If I can get them to eat six oranges instead of one donut, that’s great progress!   


Originally posted 2020-05-06 19:08:00.

Kirk Charles is a personal trainer who specializes in wellness. He is a 30-year vegan.

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