Philadelphia 76ers star Joel Embiid has pledged $100,000 of his winnings from Sunday’s NBA All-Star Game in Atlanta to several homeless shelters in his home state.

“So many have fallen on such hard times during the pandemic,” Embiid said in a statement released by the team announcing his donation. “I felt it was important to provide more support for individuals and families struggling with homelessness and food insecurity. I’m continually grateful for all of the support that Philadelphia and the fans have given me not just around All-Star but all my years in the league. I will continue to help in any way I can.”

The Sixers also pledged an additional $100,000 to the same groups.

Embiid is donating to Project HOME, Sunday Breakfast Mission and Youth Service Inc.

According to the Sixers’ website, his donation will provide15,000 meals for homeless and underserved individuals, 4,000 essential clothing items donated to homeless teens and adults and provide care and treatment of 1,000 homeless individuals receiving COVID-19 vaccines.

The money will also go towards support for more than formerly homeless families — including education, health care, and employment services, funding for a six-week summer camp for over 50 homeless and at-risk youths and more.

Last week, the NBA and its partners announced details regarding the NBA league’s collective support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and communities of color disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.

AT&T, MTN DEW, State Farm, Taco Bell and others vowed to collectively provide more than $3 million in initial support to the HBCU community through the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), UNCF (United Negro College Fund), National Association for Equal Opportunity (NAFEO) and Direct Relief’s Fund for Health Equity.

Originally posted 2021-03-08 15:00:00.

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